CfDS UGM and KORIKA Emphasize Digital Talent Development Through AI Adoption

Press Release

16 November 2023

The rapidly evolving digital technology is significantly contributing to the growing demand for skilled digital workers. Unfortunately, Indonesia currently still lacks the necessary digital talent to meet this increasing demand. To address this gap, various innovations, including artificial intelligence (AI), are crucial to accelerate the development of digital talent in Indonesia. AI can play a pivotal role in conducting diverse training and programs tailored to enhance human resources in alignment with industry requirements. However, an effective implementation of AI and its features requires the establishment of policies and regulations governing this technological adaptation.

Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM in collaboration with KORIKA initiated Digital Expert Talks #20, presenting Eyla A. Maranny (Program Coordinator Fresh Graduate Academy, DTS Kominfo RI), Alex Budiyanto (VP of Talent KORIKA), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ridi Ferdiana, S.T., M.T., IPM. (Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering UGM) as speakers and moderated by Rizka K. Herdiani (Research Officer at CfDS UGM) to discuss the topic of how AI plays a crucial role in accelerating Indonesia’s digital talent.

Eyla A. Maranny highlighted Indonesia’s industrial landscape and digital resources amidst the current development of AI. Data indicates a substantial recent increase in the demand for jobs related to AI, signaling a significant shift in the workforce landscape. This trend holds the potential for the creation of new employment opportunities, albeit with the simultaneous displacement of human roles by the advancement of AI’s features.

It is imperative to invest in human resources as a strategic measure to remain competitive. Accelerating the development of Indonesia’s digital talent is essential, and to achieve this goal, Kominfo is dedicated to addressing the shortage of digital talent through several programs, namely training initiatives and multi-stakeholder collaborations. These collaborations involve stakeholders from the industrial, academic, government, and community sectors, demonstrating a commitment to fostering a well-rounded and inclusive workforce to meet the challenges of the digital era.

“Every program and approach by Kominfo, including the Digital Leadership Academy, the National Digital Literacy Movement, and the Digital Talent Scholarship, aim to generate 9 thousand digital talents by 2030. This concerted effort is envisioned to bolster the acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia,” Eyla stated

Alex Budiyanto emphasized that the primary challenge concerning digital talent resources in Indonesia revolves around a mismatch between industry needs and the availability of qualified digital resources. Alex highlighted the importance of mastering digital skills such as data literacy, programming, machine learning, and ethical AI. According to him, proficiency in these areas is crucial for Indonesian human resources to remain competitive in the current era of AI development.

Acquiring digital skills extends beyond formal education and can be obtained through international certification training programs and micro-credential-based independent learning. However, delving into the realm of AI necessitates a profound comprehension of ethics, the privacy policy process, and their application as essential provisions to address challenges arising from the development of artificial intelligence technology.

According to Prof. Ridi Ferdiana, mastering digital literacy plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of digital talent in Indonesia when adopting AI. Digital literacy, in this context, extends beyond basic skills in using digital devices and technology. It encompasses a deeper understanding of concepts like internet ethics and digital security, contributing to the creation of a competitive digital ecosystem.

“By fostering digital literacy, the implementation of AI can achieve a maximum impact in boosting daily productivity and further supporting the career development interests of digital talent in the future,” Ridi clarified at the end of the discussion.

Writer: I Komang Restu Adi M. Surta
Editor: Ni Kadek Ayu Pratiwi
